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Grey Faced Dartmoor Sheep to Oakberrow

At last I have done it!!!! Acquired some Grey faced Dartmoor sheep.  For very many years I have admired this breed and took the jump and bought 3 in-lamb ewes from the Muddl'le flock from Shrewsbury owned by Liz Dawson.  Steve and I had a great time choosing our girls and Liz was most informative about the breed. 

So Dot, Willow and Cleo have arrived at Oakberrow and we are truly smitten with these gorgeous girls who will hopefully lamb in February. This is Dot

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    S’il vous pla?t laissez-moi savoir si vous êtes à la recherche d’un auteur de l’article de votre blog. Vous avez des articles vraiment bons et je pense que je serais un bon atout. Si jamais vous voulez prendre une partie de la charge hors, je voudrais bien écrire du matériel pour ...
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    Grey Faced Dartmoor Sheep to Oakberrow - Blog - Oakberrow
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    Lovely Website, Stick to the beneficial job. Thanks!
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    Some people told to their child not to do wrong things and keep away from the company of bad people but they forgot to apply and implement the same thing in their own life to which arises conflicts in children mind and they were also think to follow the same thing ...

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