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Lambs have arrived!

Exactly at midnight on Sunday the first lambs arrived.   The first was a texel who produced twins and then closely followed by 5 more texels.  I also have Camilla who is a Ryeland dad and Suffolk mule mum, who this year went to the Texel and Camilla had twins.  Princess who is another daughter of Duchy (the Suffolk mule) but to a texel ram, also had twins and for the first time ewe lambs.  Don't tell Steve but I intend to keep one of these!  The first Ryeland is due on 31 January - but they normally lamb a few days later than anticipated.  Dot and Willow, the Greyfaced Dartmoors are also due to lamb soon with the other 4 towards the end of February.

Pictures of the lambs to follow.

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