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Entries in Stafford County Show (1)


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Oakberrow

Sunnyside our new Greyfaced Dartmoor RamAll of us at Oakberrow would like to send our best wishes to all.  2013 has been a fantastic year with our lovely sheep and dogs achieving more than we had ever hoped for.  The handsome Foster becoming a Show Champion, the equally handsome Noble winning the Interbreed Championship at Moreton in Marsh Show and the baby, pretty Breeze, having such a great start to her showing career. 

We are having a little break from the dog shows December/January as the dogs are all busy out doing what they enjoy picking-up and beating on the local shoots.  The older ones not too happy that they cannot be included but I can assure them that OB, Foster, Remy and Beeze as well as Beamish are representing Oakberrow well.

What has 2014 got in store - anyones' guess, but Steve and I have some really good judging appointments already.  Steve is judging Shropshire Sheep and AO Native breed sheep at Stafford Show and I am judging the Coloured Ryelands, Steve is also judging Longhorns at Gillingham and Shaftesbury then then onto Pembroke where he is judging Ryelands.  Steve is also judging the Coloured Ryelands at the Royal Norfolk Show.  Me, I am judging Ryelands at Anglesey Show and also judging GSPs a WELKS in April and then Pointers at Midland Counties next October.  Oh forgot I am also judging tradestands at Surrey County Show in May.  So as you can see a very busy year for us.

Cannot wait to get out showing the Greyface Dartmoors and hope to have them at the Royal Welsh Smallholders Show this year.

The ewes have been scanned and the lambing courses commence early in March 2014, so if interested do get in touch.